Soaring to 60,000 Impressions on the First LinkedIn Post

We recently worked with an expert personal trainer just starting out on his LinkedIn journey. Initially navigating the platform alone, he faced frustration, skepticism, and fear of failure, not uncommon to people starting out on the platform.

His leap of faith began, reminiscent of Spider-Man taking the plunge into the unknown, with’s Post Booster. In just a few months, the client’s LinkedIn presence underwent a transformation.

Consultation and Triumphs

The start of the journey involved profile optimization and priming the client’s LinkedIn account. Profile optimization begins with reviewing and updating the sections on the profile page, establishing an online presence, and preparing to capture attention. Priming an account involves being active through engagement, making connections, and commenting on big posts. 

The concept of engagement and priming, similar to building a strong foundation, was unknown and strange to him. He asked, “For a month, why? Why not just post? Why? Hmm, ok.” The emotional push-pull of doubt and hope persisted during the time leading up to the nerve-wracking first post.  

As the post went live, a web of suspense filled the air. Initial comments provided a reassuring sense, but what followed was beyond the client’s expectations. Views and likes skyrocketed into the hundreds. The next day brought a staggering revelation—60,000+ impressions on the post, a remarkable achievement. After realizing what had just transpired, the client now understood that the solid foundation was necessary for the trajectory of his profile’s growth.

Impressions on LinkedIn: A Quantum Leap

The client’s first post with’s Post Booster achieved an astonishing 60,000 impressions, which was more than 10 times their expectations. Especially since the profile had about 289 connections at that time. A 2% engagement rate is considered good and a range of 1000 to 5000 impressions is typical, making this a quantum leap.  

60K impressions
First LinkedIn post

Contemplating a leap of faith?’s Post Booster is a game-changer. Its effectiveness, combined with strategic planning and engagement, is key to building a strong foundation. The client’s journey from skepticism to awe-inspiring success serves as inspiration for those starting out, facing the challenges on LinkedIn. With the right tools and a leap of faith, reaching the skylines becomes a reality.

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